
FA Qs Banner Oct22


This page lists the most common questions customers ask about the FLS110 flow sensor and our approach. If you can't find what you're looking for, or need more detail on something, then please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.

Is the FLS110 a digital sensor with an ASIC in the package?

Does the FLS110 measure mass or volume flow?

Does the FLS110 need to be calibrated?

Can the FLS110 handle contaminants in the airflow stream?

How well does the sensor handle moisture?

What length of unobstructed airflow is required to avoid turbulence?

How is the FLS110 different or better than using pressure sensors?

What can I customise in my FLS110 solution?

What about Flusso's production capacity?

What application engineering support can Flusso provide?

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